Today on this Mercury station in Libra I like to talk briefly about Mercury and what happens during retrogrades. As someone who is deeply connected to Mercury and having it flourishing in my own chart I can speak to this. I always teach my clients about the word retrograde. I basically tell them it means review. There are the typical scenarios that happen there are snafus and miscommunications. But it’s important to remember the reasoning behind all of this. Usually after Mercury retrogrades have passed one can see the benefits of this Transit. So it’s important to remember in the moment while the snafus or the Roadblocks that are happening.. to take a deep breath and be patient in the situation. There is something to discover in those moments and you can apply them within the next several weeks. It could be as simple as signing a contract and not seeing some of the fine print. So taking your time or asking for counsel can help you rebound from such snafus. Later on you’ll see the benefits and if you take it to a deeper level you’ll bring this with you for the rest of your life. In this particular retrograde in Libra even though we know that Libra is an air sign and of the intellect. I would take it one step further. To me this particular Transit has to do with balancing your heart and your mind. It’s not “either or” or “good versus bad”. When the mind is functioning sharply it can discern things in the real world and in Libra weigh things out in the mind to see all sides. But there’s an important moment. After weighing those things out is the heart considered? There’s such a benefit to having a sharp mind and being clear with what comes from that. But when things are truly unbalanced is when the heart is not involved.
The outlet, the true knowledge from all of this is when heart and mind are synced. So that includes emotional content and processing. Venus and Mars both need each other and it’s in their honesty where transformation flourishes. The planet Jupiter is helping out with all of this and it is not a flighty planet. It will be sending their deep messages through Mercury and Mars here in the next several weeks. Your creativity can be applied. And everything that’s been in your head and what you’ve had to weigh out is now on the table to be constructed with courage and intension. Remember Heart and Mind.