The guardians and the Angels are always around. I was reminded of this recently. Mi abuelita (grandma) revealed herself to me during Samhain. I will not give the specifics because it is very private to me. But it was a reminder that she is always around watching over me. The symbols that nature gives us… The hints.. and as in this case when veils are lifted the direct connection with myself. I feel so blessed for her visit. I also feel incredibly lucky to have had experienced that with someone close to me. If it were not for my partner none of this would of have happened. Which brings me to Love. guess I could say love is a guardian too. An Angel that’s always around. What I do know from my experience on this planet and I could say that I have some wisdom now…. That love is The Center place. And I make the best effort that I can to make decisions from Love. It’s made me more focused and reminded me of the other times in my life when the love for myself was The guiding light. Right now no matter the challenges I face. My heart and the love that comes from it is my Stability and Strength. My power is Angelic. This post is dedicated to My Angel with Black feathers and the Stable Strong Gleam in Her eyes.