Posting a copy of my Astrology newsletter here. Please subscribe at the top of the page to receive a weekly email. Thank you!
Greetings. This is my first newsletter and you have Subscribed! Thank you.
Ok now what do I say? (nervous laughter)
This is definitely a journey. A story about how astrology works in my mind and heart. There will be times I will not even reference astrology but some way it will be connected.
I’ve been 2nd and 3rd guessing myself for a while now about starting a newsletter and somehow it never seemed to transpire. While I’m writing this I’m realizing that it just needs to be done and sent out. That there isn’t a perfect time. Fear and Doubt is what clients come to see me about. Simple Roadblocks that have to do with Fear. It just takes one step, one action.
Well I’ve had enough of that and so here’s the first newsletter and I hope that you walk with me on this Path and see where it takes us. My intention is to be honest and come straight from my heart.
Truth Honor Loyalty and Love. That’s my code. That’s my mantra. Now for some Astrology.
This upcoming week starting Sunday November 14th brings some volatility in the astrological skies. Well at least on paper it brings volatility. Mars in Scorpio will be opposing Uranus in Taurus on Wednesday November 17th. These two planets are 180 degrees away from each other and bring some aggressive sparks. Be aware of the type of actions you take. It’s easy to get carried away or riled up. Remember that Mars in Scorpio and Venus in Capricorn are in a harmonious relationship right now and are the anchors (Planetary Rulers) of this particular Transit. So yes there is some volatility but in my opinion USE the sextile (agreeable relationship) between Mars and Venus to bring solutions and insights. Ingenuity is KEY. You don’t have to burn Bridges or make rash decisions from an emotional firestorm.
Several days later on Friday November 19th we have a Full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus. It’s a good day to settle down and be grounded in your space. VALUES. SELF WORTH are the themes. Uranus will be Trining (grace and flow) with Venus along with the continuing Sextile between Mars and Venus mentioned above. Supporting all of this is a Neptune in Pisces and Mercury in Scorpio Trine. …AND Saturn is Trine Chiron. There are avenues to healing, conduits to creative solutions. Take some time or a deep breath and write down what you would aspire/hope for.
Basically you have a lot of earth and water lapping up against each other. Don’t believe the hype about this upcoming week being some messed up fated you’re in trouble Transit. There is harmony to be found underneath all of this. Find your calm place go step by step and make your decisions from there. YOU..human being reading this have the ultimate power of choice.
Let Love Rule.
Nicholas Polimenakos
Book a session with me or ask a question.