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Original Works by James Holden
- A History of Horoscopic Astrology: From the Babylonian Period to the Modern Age, 3rd Edition [Buy it Here]
- Biographical Dictionary of Western Astrologers [Buy it Here]
- Astrological Pioneers of America, with Robert Hughes
Translations by James Holden
- Mathesis, Julius Firmicus Maternus [Hardcover | Paperback]
- Astrologia Gallica, Jean Baptiste Morin [Books 13, 14, 15, 19 |Book 22 | Book 23 | Book 25]
- Introduction to Astrology, Paulus of Alexandria [Buy it Here]
- Astrological Compendium: Containing his explanation and narration of the whole art of astrology, Rhetorius the Egyptian [Buy it Here]
- The Judgements of Nativities, Abu ‘Ali Al-Khayyat [Buy it Here]
- Introduction to the Tetrabiblos of Ptolemy by Porphyry of Tyre & Astrological Definitions by Serapio of Alexandria [Buy it Here]
- Five Medieval Astrologers [Buy it Here]
- The Introduction to the Science of the Judgements of the Stars, Sahl Ibn Bishr [Buy it Here]
- Six Astrological Treatises, Masha’allah [Buy it Here]
- Confidential Recollections Revealed, Gustav-Lambert Brahy [Buy it Here]