Welcome to my 2nd newsletter. Thank you to all of you that signed up in the last 10 days.
Let’s continue the Journey.
Starting November 20th a Jupiter in Aquarius square Mercury in Scorpio aspect occurred. A tendency to blow up one’s mind with ideas and thoughts. A little bit too expansive with a heaping portion of tunnel vision.
Those inspirations can be grounded though.
The reason why I mention the aspect is because it connects to a series of Mercury aspects this week. It’s like chapters in a story. You can even start back to the beginning of November when Mercury in Scorpio started its transit. (For instance Mars and Mercury Conjunct Nov. 9th.)
On Sunday November 21st Mercury in Scorpio sextiles Pluto in Capricorn. We are going deep within our constructive thoughts. Their could be some Revelations from the subconscious. It’s a serious aspect bringing messages from the Underworld.
I’ll stop here to talk about my favorite quality of Mercury. In Greek mythology Hermes (Mercury) has a close partnership with Death. What comes along with that relationship is Hermes connection to Spirit, Mind and Body. A special gift for concocting remedies and cures for illnesses. Healing.
This ritual of medicine and of cures.. is secret. It is not seen. It is here where Hermes flows and works his Mystery. He is the one that moves between the Dead and the Living. The Dark and the Light. Yin and Yang. To fly into the Divine and to come back to Earth. All of this movement is in Secret. This gift of calling upon or DIVINATION is fragile. It requires respect, mutability and focus. The concoction can change at anytime. Hermes corrals the Remedy. Molding and solidifying.
With humans it requires envisioning the Ritual from a place of Heart. The power involved can easily be swayed towards manipulation rooted in untruths to feed one’s own ego. It is at that moment where it is not a cure but a poison.
When we arrive late Sunday November 21st The Sun ingresses into Sagittarius leaving the depths of Scorpio to aspiring new vistas. November 24th Mercury (Hermes) leaving Scorpio enters Sagittarius. He has been gaining speed since the retrograde in Libra through Scorpio. Where he has brought certain truths to the surface. These truths I would equate to some of the ingredients/cures mentioned in the above text. In my opinion they only are cures if they were struck out of a place of Honesty and Heart.
November 28th Mercury conjoins the Sun in Sagittarius. It is here where purification of the cure can occur bringing together the Light and Dark. The Healing cure is solidified.
I’ve had several dreams about my Hermes nature as of late. The dreams involve trauma and what I secretly see in others. I do believe that something subtle this week with Hermes could lead to profound healing. It’s not an obvious thing. It’s a mysterious Ritual that comes from within. It truly requires the most humble of places where the Mind, Body and Spirit merge in Truth. Not by distracted poisonous ego habits based in false power that deflects us from our Traumas. You know what these distractions are. Is your concoction or potion from the place of HEART?
Nicholas Polimenakos “Hermes at Night”
Book a session with myself or ask a question. https://sparklesofgold.com/contact/
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