I love this time of the year. The leaves are falling, the death slowly creeping.. revealing itself in Nature. The clouds are moving swiftly and multi-layer gray hues with a bit of blue and sunlight poking through. It’s entrancing it’s mysterious and it’s my favorite way to be falling into the darkness that is Fall and Winter. Creatively I’ve always bloomed in this section of the year. Feel centered and rooted in my internal home. Ideas that have been swirling around me for the last several years are coming up to the surface finally. The inspiration that swells up inside me from the wind and the rain has given me the courage and fortitude to put these ideas into action. So for anyone reading this. You will be seeing different types of content here on my page and some changes when it comes to what I offer as an Astrologer and a Guide. My heart is strong and the visions I see are very clear. It’s at this time of the year when the veil is thin the messages I and we receive come from the deepest depths. Right now I smell fennel and anise and the Sun is shining on the railing. Here I am a Magician. Here I am…a Witch.