Pure Pause |
Todays newsletter is a meditation. A Mantra. Ritual. For the Venus conjunction during her retrograde journey through Capricorn. Read more from my last newsletter about Venus Retrograde “Dig Deep” You can LISTEN to an Audio version HERE Find a mirror or you can close your eyes. Take your time. See yourself. Look at your self. Notice your face. Take note of your skin, Your eyes. Look deep within those eyes and see the light at the Center. Notice the way you look at yourself, do you look away? look down? Do you see yourself from different sides? Come back to the mirror. Come back to the vision of your face. Now…tell yourself, kind, beautiful, loving, caring words. Find the zone and place with no judgments, no criticism. Just your uniqueness. This place is your personal Pure Cazimi. In the heart of your EVERYTHING connected to Power. YOUR POWER. Here we see the wounds. Let your tears flow. Those lovely tears….Turn to SALVE for your fears…your Trauma. A Regeneration from Wound to Wisdom. See Yourself. Have Compassion for Yourself Empathy for yourself. Procure this moment. Your basic human right. This beautiful You. Nicholas Polimenakos “Magus” Book a session with myself or ask a question here. Feel free to forward the email to support my journey. Subscribe “Venus Conjunct Sun in Capricorn” |