I am sending out this newsletter as Mercury is conjoining (together) with the Sun in Sagittarius. This purification ritual was mentioned in last week’s newsletter. The Hermes story and the Healing process. As Mercury solidifies the “potion” at the heart of the Sun. This is the time to support and express your highest truth. Use your imagination to find the dream that lifts your spirit and send that Hope out to the world. As a guide look to the Sagittarius part of your chart. (Contact me if you do not know.) The next several days November 29th to November 30th bring a series of planetary aspects that are incredibly supportive to this dream and expression. With Mercury, the Sun and Saturn creating harmonious aspects with the asteroid Chiron the wounded healer. It is here where our potion can be applied to our inner wounds and begins to infuse itself. (THINK AND FEEL FORGIVENESS) We then can begin to construct the Dream into reality. The other planetary aspects involved: Mars sextile Venus Mercury sextile Saturn Venus sextile Neptune Mars Trine Neptune Use your passion and direct your energy with these transits. Use the Mercury sextile Saturn aspect as your vessel to stay focused on those highest visions and ideals. The Venus and Mars aspects to Neptune bring the ability to initiate and conjure what is found through imagination and Love. Creation based in your highest Truth. BELIEVE To sum up the next few days? More Water lapping up against Earth with stream rising. That stream is the DREAM. Did I just write that? ☿ Nicholas Polimenakos “The Chariot” Book a session with myself or ask a question here. Feel free to forward the email to support my journey. Subscribe |